the hebrew in XML
Verse AnalyserBHS | Parallel | KJVAccents | Forms | Q-K | Diacritics | Hermeneutics
Psalms 113:7Lv- | Vs- | Ch- | Bk- | Bk+ | Ch+ | Vs+ | Lv+תהלים

He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth the needy out of the dunghill; [KJV 113:7] [BiBIL Search: Vs Ch Bk Bk+]

Editor's note: We are currently not in a position to provide you with the cantillation structure of this verse. Our parsing program either did not even attempt to parse this verse (poetic books: Psalms, Job, Proverbs) or was not able to produce a reliable result (non-poetic books).
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