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All Books (283)

[Law] Gen 20 Exod 62 Lev 44 Num 73 Deut 4

[Prophets] Josh 7 Judg 10 1Sam 2 2Sam 3 1Kgs 6 2Kgs 2 Isa 5 Jer 4 Ezek 1

[Writings] Pss 10 Job 11 Prov 1 Lam 1 1Chr 10 2Chr 7

Leviticus (44)

[Lev] Ch.1 3 Ch.3 3 Ch.4 8 Ch.6 3 Ch.8 5 Ch.9 2 Ch.10 2 Ch.12 1 Ch.14 3 Ch.15 2 Ch.16 6 Ch.17 4 Ch.19 1 Ch.24 1

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Leviticus 12 (1)Cns | All | Vwlאהל  Up
וּבִמְלֹ֣את׀ יְמֵ֣י טָהֳרָ֗הּ לְבֵן֘ אֹ֣ו לְבַת֒ תָּבִ֞יא כֶּ֤בֶשׂ בֶּן־שְׁנָתֹו֙ לְעֹלָ֔ה וּבֶן־יֹונָ֥ה אֹו־תֹ֖ר לְחַטָּ֑את אֶל־פֶּ֥תַח אֹֽהֶל־מֹועֵ֖ד אֶל־הַכֹּהֵֽן׃ Lev 12:6 And when the days of her purifying are fulfilled, for a son, or for a daughter, she shall bring a lamb of the first year for a burnt offering, and a young pigeon, or a turtledove, for a sin offering, unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, unto the priest:
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