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Ezekiel (2)

[Ezek] Ch.9 1 Ch.37 1

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וְהִנֵּ֣ה שִׁשָּׁ֣ה אֲנָשִׁ֡ים בָּאִ֣ים׀ מִדֶּרֶךְ־שַׁ֨עַר הָעֶלְיֹ֜ון אֲשֶׁ֣ר׀ מָפְנֶ֣ה צָפֹ֗ונָה וְאִ֨ישׁ כְּלִ֤י מַפָּצֹו֙ בְּיָדֹ֔ו וְאִישׁ־אֶחָ֤ד בְּתֹוכָם֙ לָבֻ֣שׁ בַּדִּ֔ים וְקֶ֥סֶת הַסֹּפֵ֖ר בְּמָתְנָ֑יו וַיָּבֹ֙אוּ֙ וַיַּ֣עַמְד֔וּ אֵ֖צֶל מִזְבַּ֥ח הַנְּחֹֽשֶׁת׃ Ezek 9:2 And, behold, six men came from the way of the higher gate, which lieth toward the north, and every man a slaughter weapon in his hand; and one man among them was clothed with linen, with a writer's inkhorn by his side: and they went in, and stood beside the brasen altar.
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