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[Writings] Dan 1

Daniel (1)

[Dan] Ch.2 1

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בֵּאדַ֣יִן דָּ֣קוּ כַחֲדָ֡ה פַּרְזְלָא֩ חַסְפָּ֨א נְחָשָׁ֜א כַּסְפָּ֣א וְדַהֲבָ֗א וַהֲוֹו֙ כְּע֣וּר מִן־אִדְּרֵי־קַ֔יִט וּנְשָׂ֤א הִמֹּון֙ רוּחָ֔א וְכָל־אֲתַ֖ר לָא־הִשְׁתֲּכַ֣ח לְהֹ֑ון וְאַבְנָ֣א׀ דִּֽי־מְחָ֣ת לְצַלְמָ֗א הֲוָ֛ת לְט֥וּר רַ֖ב וּמְלָ֥ת כָּל־אַרְעָֽא׃ Dan 2:35 Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.
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